South African Philatelic Study Booklets
The dedication of Rob and Lyn Lester has revitalised this valuable and popular source of information on South African philately and restored these collections to the prominence they deserve. The Lesters have published 42 South African Study Booklets covering a wide range of stamp collecting areas, many of which are based on collections that have won philatelic awards at society and international level. These affordable high quality colour booklets are available to SACS members only.

Left. The Bantam War Issues with Printings and Varieties – Eddie Bridges.
Centre. Seldom seen Pictorial Booklets – Eddie Bridges.
Right. Large Gold-winning ‘First 10 Years of ‘OFFICIAL’ Overprints – Dr Ian Matheson.
The full list of Study Booklets with details and cost may be viewed here.
The cost of a booklet is as stated plus post and packaging.
Please click here to register your interest in any of these publications with Lyn Lester.
Terms are strictly payment with order.