South African Philatelic and Postal History Displays
This is an online archive for the displays of SACS members and selected guests. Visitors are free to browse this material at their leisure. Please contact us if you would like to see your material on display here.
We hope that you will find our members’ displays of South African philately, postal history, postcards and ephemera both entertaining and educational. If you have a query or a comment to make about any of these displays, please contact us.
We have listed the displays by category, for example. ‘Airmail’ below. As more members submit displays the categories shown will expand to include their interests. Our hope is to build up a comprehensive list of displays covering every aspect of our hobby from A – Z. If you are not a SACS member please join and help us to make this happen.

Early Airmails of South Africa Tony Howgrave-Graham
The Empire Air Mail Scheme Nick Arrow

South African Labels Rob and Lyn Lester

Rarities of Natal Keith Klugman RDPSA

Empire Exhibition JIPEX 36 Roy Ross
Postage Dues 1914 – 1958 Keith Perrow
WW2 War Effort Bantams Tony Howgrave-Graham

RSA Stamps 1961 – 1971 Roy Ross

Concentration Camps of the SAW David Mordant

Kenilworth Castle Tony Howgrave-Graham

International Industrial Exhibition 1896 Rob & Lyn Lester

Zululand Tony Stanford (Guest)