Why, when and where?
Welcome! SACS 2025 Summer Meeting

June 1st to 2nd (Sunday & Monday), Holiday Inn, Kenilworth.

Simon Peetoon, SACS Membership Secretary and Events Organiser, has finalised the dates for SACS’ premier annual event, our summer meeting. This will take place over two days in June between 1st to 2nd (Sunday & Monday) at the Holiday Inn, Kenilworth.

For details on the Kenilworth Summer Meeting venue, click here.

Simon on the Monday at Kenilworth 2024. As a professional stamp dealer (trading as ‘Africa Stamps’) who has seen 100s of 1000s of South African items Simon has noted that the higher value Animal Definitives are seldom seen on cover. Here he makes the point that when a high postage rate was required to be paid, it was usually made up with lower value Animal Definitives and other stamps.

Simon writes “In 2015 we met for the inaugural two-day, summer meeting. It was a chance for us to indulge in a bit of philately in an intimate setting, hold the Abell Trophy competition, have an auction and the AGM. The meeting quickly became a popular event on the SACS philatelic calendar and also gave a band of philatelists an opportunity to form friendships beyond a chat on a telephone, or in an email. Philately, when it is held in person, has a far greater opportunity to inspire, educate, astonish or even amaze.

“This year we will meet in Kenilworth at The Holiday Inn. The price for a room is £99.00 bed & breakfast (sole occupancy), or £109.00 bed & breakfast (double occupancy). Please email me ASAP if you would like to attend, especially if you require a room.

“We have had an influx of new members this year, so I would especially like to appeal to you, if you have recently joined the society. Our meetings are welcoming and not too serious (in fact, often quite light-hearted). You certainly don’t have to be an “expert” to enjoy them. We want everyone to share in what we love to collect and we want to see and hear about what you collect, especially if you haven’t joined us before (and you are not expected to attend the AGM!).

“The Sunday is for the more formal displays and the Abell Trophy, which is a one frame competition. If you prefer to come for the day, then you don’t have to stay over. We eat dinner together on the Sunday. Monday is given over to “Bring & Show.” That means two frames and ten minutes maximum presentation time, although if there is time, you may go twice for a different subject.

“If you haven’t attended before, hopefully this will be the year you join us for the first time”.

Take a look at the report on 2024’s SACS meeting in Kenilworth. This was a convivial meeting much enjoyed by the attendees who all departed happier than when they arrived. You can expect 2025 to be much the same. Should you need to stretch your legs while the AGM grinds out before dinner Kenilworth Castle is a brisk 25 minutes walk away. It is well worth a visit. I will visit it again. I look forward to your company.

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2025 Meetings

Saturday 12th April,
Saturday 30th August.
Read about our last get-together.

Sunday & Monday, 1st & 2nd June.
Why, When and Where?
Welcome to Kenilworth!

New Open Meeting
Saturday & Sunday, 1st & 2nd November.
Read more!

What’s New

New SA stamp
President Cyril Ramaphosa is celebrated on a new issue. Click here to find out more.

2024 President Ramaphosa SAPO Issue stamp B4

Study Booklet
A new expert Study Booklet, “The South West Africa Campaign 1914-1915 – Prisoners of War” by Tony Howgrave Graham is now available. Click here to find out more.

SACS Stidy Booklet The South West Africa Canmpaign 1914 - 1915 Prisoners of War.

Auction 60
Auction 60 now closed. View prices realised.

The Springbok October 2024
Latest issue of the Society journal.

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New Displays
Concentration Camps of the SAW
Zululand Stamps & Postal History.
View displays.

A New Fun Competition
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The Otto Peetoom Philatelic Legacy Website
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